Collecting and analyzing source data
This is the first and very important Stage of any Project implementation.
This Stage is usually referred to as pre-design work.
Data is collected to the extent necessary and sufficient for analysis and Decision-making.
The entire trajectory of further movement depends on the quality of this Stage.
You can waste a lot of time, effort, money, and in the end get a negative result or come to a dead end.
The other extreme is the probability of not seeing something important and throwing out the "Golden child" with the water.
To achieve success, you need:
- understanding the Task and seeing the Goal;
- the presence of interest and observation;
- accumulating all available current and archived information;
- willingness to analyze and "compartmentalize";
- ability to see patterns and cause-and-effect relationships;
- fantasy, what can be changed in order to achieve the goal;
- calculations of what it will cost "daddy Dors";
- calculations what fruits this can bring against the effort and resources spent on growing the sprout;
- сthe ratio of the planned resources for using (financial, labour and time) to the planned fruits of and benefit for receiving;
- determination of the values of all traditional and generally recognized economic parameters of the Project (NPV, IRR, PI, PB) and the results of calculations in a form that is understandable to the Investor;
- creating an economic model that allows you to "run-in" various options for moving to the Goal.
- variations in the direction of movement, shifting emphasis and focus when collecting data.
But, not everything is evaluated by money. How can we evaluate the intangible assets that can be obtained as a result of Project development?
Of course, there is no limit to perfection, and the process of "project optimization" can be endless in principle. Therefore, you need to define the boundary and critical values of the Project Parameters.
First of all - the "Price of the Question".
At the same time, we should not forget the wisdom of the proverb: "The Best is the Enemy of the Good".
The following sub-steps of the action algorithm can be distinguished:
- Preliminary collection data from the object;
- Together with the Customer:
- Determining the "critical parameters" of an object;
- Approval of the program of full-scale survey of the object
- Conducting a full-scale survey, including use of instruments and devices, sampling and probe, photo and video recording;
- Performing laboratory analyses of selected samples, systematization, processing and analysis of the collected information;
- The Generation of Ideas;
- Feasibility study of various ways to implement Ideas to achieve the Customer's Goals.